Raise a dispute

Step 1: Head to app.geegs.xyz connect your metamask wallet (or any compatible wallet)

Step 2: Click on "Active TEC" and select the TEC that you would like to raise a dispute.

Step 3: Click on "Raise Dispute" and fill in the details of the dispute

Step 4: Upload proof of breach and cliuck on "Proceed"

For talents that click on "Mark as Complete" for a TEC, the dispute resolution button will be disabled to account for the 14 day grace period for the hirer to "Sign release".

For hirers that have a TEC that has been marked as complete from the talent, they have the option to "Raise a Dispute".

Both parties are able to raise a dispute for Active TECs. Here are some of the primary reasons that you may want to raise a dispute. Being a decentralised tool, raising a dispute is at the discretion of both parties binded by the TEC.

For Hirers:

  • Talent does not deliver work as per agreed on the TEC contract

  • Talent does not deliver work on time

  • Talent ghosted

For Talents:

  • Hirer does not "Sign Release" upon completion of work

  • Hirer requests work outside of scope of work agreed upon on TEC

  • Hirer ghosted.

Dispute Resolution Mechanics

The current dispute resolution mechanics is an on-chain delegated system that upon raising a dispute, the permission for arbitration will be delegated to the assigned delegated party. Currently, the only delegated party is the Geegs dispute team. As we are currently in beta, we are constantly working on improving our dispute resolution mechanics.

In our next update we will be announcing our decentralised arbitration partner that will allow us to increase the level of decentralisation and transparency in the case of arbitrating disputes for TECs.

Last updated