Release Payment
For Hirer (Sign release)
Step 1: Upon the completion of work, head to the "Active TECs" and find the related TEC. Each TEC has a unique TEC ID to make it easy to to track TECs accurately.
Step 2: Click on "View TEC" and click on "Sign Release" to complete TEC and release escrowed funds to freelancer / talent.
For Hirer (Sign Release after talent mark as complete)
Step 1: Upon a talent marking the TEC as complete, you will receive a notification to sign release on the completed TEC. You can the related TEC on "Active TECs".
Step 2: Click on "View TEC" and click on "Sign Release" to complete TEC and release escrowed funds to freelancer / talent.
Step 3: You have 14 days grace period to sign release.
For Talent (Mark as complete)
Step 1: Upon the completion of work, head to the "Active TECs" and find the related TEC. Each TEC has a unique TEC ID to make it easy to to track TECs accurately.
Step 2: Click on "View TEC" and click on "Mark as Complete" to indicate that you have delivered on the agreed job scope and would like to complete the TEC.
Step 3: The hirer has 14 days grace period to sign release.
Last updated