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🚀Release Notes

Keep up to date with our most recent updates to the platform as we build the future of freelancing. The release notes will include bug fixes, new feature releases, UIUX optimisation and more.

16th Oct 2023

Geegs Mainnet Beta

One of our biggest milestones to date as we move from Sepolia Testnet beta to Ethereum Mainnet beta. We have now launched our Geegs smart contract on the Ethereum mainnet with the live feature being that hirers can now deploy TECs for hiring freelancers.


  • Improved UI for creating a TEC

  • Enhanced the hirer and talent TEC POVs.


  • Launched the Geegs dapp on Mainnet.


  • Fixed overflowing wallet address text on both Experience Badges and TEC ETH value

  • Fixed

11th Aug 2023

Experience Badge (EB) Minting

In this phase of our beta program, users can mint their experience badges by paying a gas fee. This type of minting is the unverified way. After users have minted their EB, they can view it on the “Experience Badges” page.


  • Introduced Standard Minting of Experience Badges.

  • Introduced Experience Badges page.

9th July 2023

Dispute Resolution Launch

In this phase of our beta program, users can raise concerns regarding a TEC and allow our Geegs dispute team to handle the decision of the dispute.

After our team manually handles each dispute, the status of the dispute will change to “Dispute Resolved”.


  • Introduced Dispute Resolution: delegator option is Geegs only.

7th July 2023

Geegs Smart Contract V2

We have deployed a version of the dapp to improve the existing TEC deployment, as well as fix bugs feedbacked to us by our beta testers.


  • Improved the TEC deployment.


  • Fixed some bugs.

26th June 2023

Experience Badges Launch

In this phase of our beta program, the roles are swapped - users now act as talents. After users have accepted a TEC deployed by the Geegs team, users will receive a badge representing their completed work.

What’s an EB you ask? Read more about it here.


  • Introduced Geegs Experience Badges.

  • Introduced the TEC flow from talent’s POV; from accepting TEC to receiving an automatic EB for the completed work.

9th June 2023

Geegs Testnet Launch

In this phase of our beta program, users act as hirers and are able to start creating TECs (Tokenised Employment Contracts).

Curious what a TEC is? No worries - learn more about it here.


  • Launched the Geegs dapp on Testnet.

  • Introduced Geegs dashboard consisting of tabs for different TEC status.

  • Introduced the TEC flow from hirer’s point-of-view (POV); from creating to deploying TEC.

Last updated